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Banco de setas / seta / Anthoporia albobrunnea (Romell) Karasi?ski & Niemelä


Anthoporia albobrunnea (Romell) Karasi?ski & Niemelä

Diagnosis funte: Polyporaceae s.l. Annarosa Bernicchia - Fungi Europaei 10
Main macro- and microscopic features: basidiocarps usually annual, resupinate; pore surface whitish but soon with reddish-brown spots; pores round-angular, 3-5 per mm; margin sometimes with radiating strands; subiculum ochraceous, darker close to the stibstratum; tube layer of the same colour as the context and 3 mm thick. Hyphal system: dimitic; generative hyphae hyaline, brownish close to the subiculum, thin-walled, with clamps, 2.5-4.5 um wide; skeletal hyphae very numerous, rarely: branched, brownish in the upper layer of the subiculum, thick-walled to subsolid and 2-5 um wide; cystidia and cystidioles absent; basidia clavate, with a basal clamp, 16-20 x 5-6 um; basidiospores smooth, hyaline, cylindrical to-allantoid, IKI- ,5-7 x 1.5-2.3 um
Hábitat: Madera de coniferas, determina carie brunnea